Quantum Computing With the Human Brain
Genetic optimization uses simulated evolution to solve problems. For instance, it could be used to factor numbers. In this case the genome is two numbers: a & b, and the fitness function is |n - (a * b)|. In the case of a quantum implementation the genome would be the quantum computer configuration. The configuration would be evolved until the number is factored. This system searches for a quantum program that factors the number. The question is does the topology of the quantum computer create a search space where the number is factored more quickly?
Obtaining access to a quantum computer is difficult, but the human brain may be a quantum computer. So, a display and a BCI, brain computer interface, are required to use the human brain as part of an automated (perhaps quantum) computational system. The genome is displayed to the human, part of the brain state is read out, and then the state is fed into the fitness function. The system is evolved until the fitness function is minimized. If this works, a large number of problems could be solved without needing to cool a computer chip down to 0K.